Hello other selves! Hope everybody is having a wonderful holiday season. Just some quick news items to share:
- If you haven’t checked out the (inaudible) podcast, give it a whirl. Nithin and I address various topics in life through the lens of Confederation philosophy, directly referencing channeled material. Our latest episodes have focused on the philosophical problem of evil, conflict and peace, and addiction. You can subscribe wherever you get your podcasts normally, go to the website and subscribe or listen, or view video episodes on the Working Group YouTube channel where you can discover our other media projects. This podcast is part of our project to make the Law of One accessible to regular people, focusing less on the exotic and more on the everyday catalysts of life.
- The Richmond Meditation Circle made contact with the social memory complex of Auxhall on Saturday, and we’ve made the transcript, audio, and a YouTube version available. Thanks to Joe, David, Ken, and Brian for making this session possible! Auxhall addresses our concerns about the contingent nature of seeking in a chaotic, frustrating, and increasingly mediated illusion with a message that is classic Law of One with a bit of Buddhist “the obstacle is the path” philosophy to boot.
- While there hasn’t been sufficient interest for me to help form a new working group, I’m still interested. Reach out if you’d like to consider this opportunity.That’s all! Happy holidays, and here’s to a great year of seeking the Creator in 2024!