
  •  Announcing our new book!

    Happy summer, other selves! After the gathering last month, the working group has been on a bit of a break, but yours truly has one more ball to move over the goal line. Our latest book, How the Heart Cries Out, is officially released today. This is the product of over five years of organizing, regular meditations, and…

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  • Spring 2024 Update

    Happy Spring, other selves! I wanted to give y’all an update on our activities. That’s it for now! All the best in the love and the light, Jeremy

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  • The 2024 Agenda

    Happy new year, other selves! Thanks for your support during the last year. As we near our fourth year of operation, the Other Selves Working Group has big plans and some updates. OK, I think that covers things for now. Have a great 2024 and stay in the love and light! Jeremy 💚

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